Friday, March 16, 2012

The ENGAGEMENT story! :) :)

Bryan and I are finally engaged!!!! YAY!! I've been waiting quite awhile for this to come and it finally did 2 Fridays ago! :) For those of you who are wanting to here the engagement story here it is....

Bryan and I have been switching off who plans our Friday date night every week and it just happened to be his week. Thursday night Bryan told me that we were going to do a scavenget hunt for our date and his sister Annie was planning it because he couldn't think of anything else to do. He told me that he had no idea what she was planning to do or what the end result would be. He's never done anything like this before so I thought it was a little fishy and I kind of hoped that he might be proposing but I wasn't sure because he was playing it off so much.

He came over to my house at around 5:30 on Friday night to pick me up. He told me to text either his sister Annie or his sister-in-law Melinda to find out what we were doing. We had to send a picture of us together to get the scavenger hunt started. Here is picture #1! We were super excited to get this going. Haha!
The text we got back from Melinda was "since Bryan couldn't think of a fun date, we decided to take it upon ourselves ti give you guys a fun date night...answer this riddle to get the scavenger hunt started." The riddle was-- The man who invented it doesn't want it. The man who bought it doesn't need it. The man who needs it doesn't know it. What is it? We couldn't figure it out so we cheated and Google searched it. The answer is a coffin.

Clue #1-- I represent those that bleed green and gold. Find me and take a picture with me to get your next clue. I immediately knew it was Willie the Wolverine (UVU's mascot).We met at school in our philosophy class where we got put in the same group project and hit it off from there. :)  We drove over to the school and found the wolverine statue. oh and Bryan sat in snow while we were taking the picture...freakin funny!
Clue #2-- To renew your energy you can find me at the golden arches. Order 2 5 pieces, a large fry and a drink. Don't eat too much, its not dinner like you think. Snap a picture with me and your food to get your next clue. This was just because Bryan was hungry. Baha!

Clue #3--We have a team in Utah but we are not as popular here like in the rest of the world. Find me and snap a pic. For our first date we went up to a Real Salt Lake soccer game.  So we wandered over to Wal-mart in search of something that represented RSL. This is where I was starting to realize the connection between the things we were taking pictures of and our dating life.

Clue #4-- I'm buttery and crunchy and get stuck in your teeth. You can find me at the place with "the best seats in town" get me and enjoy...don't forget a picture with me. When we got up to the game it was sold out so we ended up going over to Jordan Commons and going to a movie instead. Don't ya love our faces?

Clue #5-- I am the ice cream of the future. Find me and take a picture! Dippin' Dots!!!One of the only places they sell them down here that we knew of is at Trafalga...a mini golf/ arcade place that we go mini golfing at all the time. It's our favorite date place.

Clue # 6-- In the company of family there have been lots of penalties with lots of wins and losses. What am I? Find me and take a picture! We played on an indoor soccer team with his family for a while at Timpanogos Indoor soccer in Lindon which is 15 minutes away (basically we went out there to buy time.)

Clue #7-- This is the place where many "books have been read". Where am I? When we were first dating we would go to the park behind his house at night and read scriptures and kiss. One night when we went to the park his family was over and we told them we were going to read at the park and ever since then it's been an inside joke with the family that when we were making out they would call it "reading books". The whole time while we were driving to the park Bryan was playing it off and saying things like, I wonder what they are having us do at the park, I'm kinda nervous they are gonna scare us or something.... Maybe they will have dinner set up for us there. and lots of other things to make it seem like he had no idea what was going on. We got to the park and this is what was waiting for us when we got there.

Bryan got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I totally thought I was gonna be the girl to cry when he asked me to marry him but no... I was so excited that I started jumping up and down and squeeling and freaking out! haha! Then I finally said yes. :) I am so happy I get to marry my best friend in the whole world! He is an absolutely amazing man and I can't wait to start our eternal family together. Oh and here's some pictures of the ring and us all engaged and everything! :) We're getting married May 26th, 2012 in the Draper Temple! :) :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


     It finally feels like summer!! :) I'm loving this weather and the sunshine! It really just brightens my day! I haven't been able to be out in the sun too much so I'm still pretty pasty white but I'm still loving it! I love being able to go outside at night in shorts and a t-shirt and not even have to worry about getting cold. Last night on the way home from my late  indoor soccer game (the game started at 11:25 and got over about 12:15...I hate those games!! It's too late to function enough to play a soccer game.) with Bryan we had the windows down the whole time and it was beautiful! I finally got my first smell (yes, smell not taste) of summer. There was a camp fire going somewhere and I could smell it...I told Bry that the smell of campfire is what makes it summer for me. I can't wait to have a campfire and hopefully even go camping this summer. I didn't get to go camping last summer because everytime there was a campout with friends I was either gone or working. And to add to my excitement over summer I'm going to CALIFORNIA on thursday!! AHHHH!! I haven't been to cali since I was 16! I'm soooo excited! I'm going out there with Bryan's brother jason and my favorite future sister-in-law Melinda and their adorable boys and meeting Bryan and his parents out there. I get to meet  Bryan's grandparents and some of the people from his mission! I can't wait to get to meet them and to be able to soak up some sun on the beach! We're going to Sacramento and Oakland and possibly San Fransico. YAY!! :)
     Oh and other exciting news...I'm going to get my own car! I have been looking at cars on KSL and I need to talk to my bank about a loan but this is really gonna happen! I am so ready to have my own car! It's time for me to get serious about this! I think it kinda hit me that I really need a car when my little sister Jess got the car that I was thinking about getting from my uncle...yeah I need a car! I'm hoping to have a car by the time that Jess get's down here...I guess we'll see how that goes depending on when she ends up coming down here to Orem.
     I'm also getting more excited for Jess to come to school here! I have really missed having her around to talk to about things and giving me opinions on my outfits and little things like that! I'm so glad I have such an amazing little sister! It's gonna be lots of fun having her down here with me! I can't believe my little sister is all graduated and and coming to college! It seriously seems like it was just yesterday that I graduated from high school. I remember feeling like life was changing too quickly and I wanted things to go back to the way they were so much just like she is feeling right now. I am so glad that things have turned out the way they have so far though and I know she will be looking back 2 years from now saying the same thing. I have an amazing boyfriend, the best friends in the whole wide world and the greatest family anyone could ask for. I have a good job and I really like working with the people I work with. Life is great! I'm really excited for the adventures that life is about to bring to me in the next few years. I'm pretty darn nervous too but that's what life is about...overcoming the challenges and trials that are thrown your way!  
     Well I guess that's all for this time friends! Much love! 

Friday, May 13, 2011

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hello!!! :)

Hey everyone! So I've had this blog for about 4-ish months and I haven't written anything because I had no idea where to start... so I'm just gonna go for and write whatever comes to my mind!

This past weekend I went home for mother's day and one of my best friend's weddings! Kennie got married!!! I am so happy for her! :) She looked absolutely gorgeous! I went to her reception kind of knowing I was going to end up crying by the time it was over (my "special friend" that comes around once every month was visiting me and let's face it... I'm just an emotional wreck when it comes to that time of month). I was doing great, other than being a tiny bit jealous of Kennie because I was wishing that I was getting married, until the daddy-daughter dance. It was a really sweet moment. I was sitting there thinking how cute that was and then it hit me that I won't get to do a daddy-daughter dance at my wedding and the flood gates were opened. I have always known that my dad wouldn't be there physically when I get married but it had never hit me as hard as it did then. There are so many things that my dad won't get to be there for in person that are all coming up quickly in  my life like he won't get to be there in person when my boyfriend asks for my hand in marriage or for my wedding in the temple, he won't be there to do a daddy-daughter dance with me, he won't be there in person when I have my first child.... and the this list goes on. I know he will be there in spirit and I'm truly grateful to know that but it's just not going be the same... I had a small break down on Sunday about this (Yup i was crying about my dad on mother's day. I'm that ridiculous. Sorry mom!) but then I realized it is because of temple marriage like the one Kennie just had that my family will be together forever.

The trials I have been through were hard and always will be hard for me but I honestly don't know what I would do without the knowledge that I will be able to see my dad again someday.  I am so grateful that I am a member of the LDS church and that I know that my family is forever and my future family will be a forever family too. I am so grateful for my Savior's atonement and resurrection that made it possible for me to have an eternal family. I can't wait for that day when I can go through the temple to be married and seal to my future husband and make those sacred covenants with him...hopefully it will be sometime soon!!! :D